Let’s deep dive into the creative problem solving process.
Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is a success.” Suzann’s mini mastermind experience is a two-month commitment with two lunch meetings on the 2nd and last Thursdays of each of those months. Rather than being based on Foursight assessments, each week of these masterminds are a deep dive into one of the four parts of the Creative Problem Solving process: Clarifying, Ideating, Developing and Implementing.
Confidential Settings
Groups of no more than 7 will come together to help each other with the specific challenges or tasks they are facing in their businesses or lives.
These confidential settings are an opportunity to experience each of the parts of the Creative Problem Solving process in a more in-depth way.
Group Collaboration
Whether you choose to participate in a mini mastermind as a one-and-done experience or as part of a larger training partnership with Wade Innovation, coming together in a group will be a great beginning to help you progress with like-minded individuals and learn some amazing tools and feedback that will set you on the road to breakthrough thinking and success.

Have a question about creativity and innovation coaching? Let’s chat.
Click below to book your free discovery call with Suzann today.